

I was attacked by bugs all night.  In the evening I felt a few mosquitoes biting me, and I woke to a buzzing in my ear.  It wasn’t until I looked in a mirror that I realized had been FEASTED upon.  I looked like I had Chicken Pox again, my entire body was covered!  I was relieved, however, to later learn that denge is carried by mosquitoes that bite during the day.
Satyavan and I went into ‘town’ to find a laundry service.  We wandered around a few streets, which he said were similar to India, but much cleaner.  It was very nice to get out of the marina and wander around Northern Jakarta.  We then headed over to a harbor containing very old, very large, wooden boats.  They have been sailing these waters the longest, and now are used as large transports; amazingly everything is still hand loaded.
Ice cream and COLD water taste sooo good after a week of nothing colder than room temperature, which is rather warm when you are at the equator.  We both got local money (500000 rupiah) and we were unable to find a single person who spoke English.
Back on the ship, we prepared for a dinner with guests by completing little tasks and tidying up Mir’s appearance (mainly the deck and the navigation room).  Satyavan and I set up a kayak system to facilitate easy access to the shore without the use of the small boat; Carol and Jasmina had a few laughs watching the two of us paddle around squatting down in the bright blue kayak.
Dhany and Nina came back to the ship with shopping bags; they brought huge Mangosteens, which are delicious!!
Tonight I plan to sleep on deck fully clothed to prevent more mosquito bites.

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